Four Common Mistakes Moms Make with Kids
Having been involved in Albuquerque preschool services for nearly 30 years, I have seen lots of different parenting techniques when parents come to pickup their children. Having kids is a wonderful thing and most books are full of information on how to best parent your child. Still, sometimes it can be a challenge to act with your kids in a way that is going to truly help them grow as a human being. Sometimes it takes being tough with them in order to make them a better person even from a young age. Here are a few common mistakes that mom’s make with their kids, along with advice on how you can fix them too.
Mistakes and How to Fix Them
One common mistake that moms make of their children over the age of 3 is that they do not allow them to take naps anymore. Naps are perceived as being useful for younger children only and they often disrupt the child’s ability to go to sleep later on in the night, which can spell disaster for parents. Still, it is a good idea to allow your children to get all the rest that they need even at that older age. A sleep consultant in Los Angeles says that the trouble sleeping later in the day is well worth the rest that the children get when you allow them to nap. Children need an average of 11 – 13 hours of sleep a night so make sure they get it to avoid any problems. If napping does create problems, simply start off after the rest period with a low-key activity. The lack of naps can make certain children irritable.
Another mistake of moms, especially those who work for a living, is to send children to school while sick. This is not only detrimental to the other children at the daycare or childcare center who could become ill as well, but it is hard on a child who needs rest in order to recover from the illness. Do not coddle them by keeping them at home more than 24 hours after they have been taking medications, however!
Perhaps the most common mistake is that of yelling at children. It is often frustrating to do things with kids who do not listen, but reasoning with them is a far more effective way. There are plenty of incentives to work with and children are some of the most reasonable people in a number of circumstances. Don’t raise your voice even when you feel stressed and you’ll be better off.
The final mistake that most parents make with their children is somewhat obscure from others, but still relevant. Not making your children share is one of the worst things a parent can do for the development of any child. With a keen sense of what is right and what is wrong, children can grow up to be better adults. Forcing them to share will help with that process at a young age.
Fixing Mistakes with Children
If any of these strike close to home, not to worry. There is always plenty of time to change the mistakes you are making and alter the way you teach your kids how to nap, share or control your own yelling at them.